Who is Ahgamen?

Who is Ahgamen?  Full name Ahgamen Keyboa.  He is a writer.  He is an influencer.  and a decider.  He is a creator.  He is an artist.  and a maker.  He is the founder of his own tribe.  Keyboa tribe, tribal nation.

Ahgamen Keyboa and Dave Grein circa 2003
(above) he is in a candid pic with his longtime friend and supporter, Dave Grein.

Who is ahgameN keyboA 

ahgameN is a figure, etched in many people's minds.  He has met 1,000s upon 1,000s of other people in an effort to convey his message.  He has a unique personality.  Who is he not, is the question?  Just kidding!  Who is he?  That's a valid question.  What is he?  Another question for the list.  He's a human being, yet a Spirit, an invisible entity must exist embodied in that mortal form. 

Where is he?  He's in many places, moves very often, travels, wanders; more than anybody else that you have ever known. Don't believe it?  But it is true!  The frequency of his moves are on the average, TWICE a YEAR, for the past three decades.  On the list of residences are: Jerusalem, Haifa, Tzfat, Copenhagen, Athens, Greece, Athens, Georgia, New York City, Miami, Mexico City, Manila Philipines, Hawaii, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Cape Cod, Mendocino California, Washington, DC, etc. 

When is he?  A man for the present era and the transitional period.  In these times of rapid change, he is in the moment, on-point, historic.  Changes in our world will lead to a major paradigm shift, when that happens, Ahgamen is right on time, right now. 

How is he?  A little bit ragged and rough around the edges, considering a rather hard life.  But he is no worse for the wear.  He forges onward in a noble manner.  No matter what befalls his lot, he trudges forward with an optimistic attitude. 

Find out more, then you will want to join him! Yes, I invite you to participate in my projects, projects of our Keyboa, for the tribe, for the future of the world, all humanity will benefit from these plans.  Ahgamen guarantees it.  HALLELUJAH!  Don't forget, he is a man of belief and profound faith in himself.  That's who he is.  And why not?  How could he not?  He believes and has faith because God sent him.  Yes God, Our Creator, his creator, his Lord God, by whatever name you choose to give the Supreme Being.  What's not to accept?  It is fateful, it is destiny, dharma, the meaning of life, for him to claim his name and live it.  ahgameN!

More info is on the new page of this blog website.  https://1ahgamen.blogspot.com/p/ahgamen-keyboa-writer-journalist.html


  1. Checking in from the real world into the virtual zone here. Shylah-Keyboa is starting a website also. yay!


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