www.scallywagandvagabond.com a website for scandal and gossip, subject matter to dissect the culture. Basically it covers the "news" of the common folk, while including some pop culture and celebs (although it does not try to compete with the big celeb rags out there). So when I briefly submitted articles as a writer for them, I did not get to confront any political issues. ScallywagandVagabond is NOT directly concerned about politics.
It's not that I want to write about politics though. My point is that politics is overrated and exaggerated. Politics is defined as the banter between competing factions of the government, connected with their campaigns, rhetoric, legislation and judicial decisions.
The purpose of this article is to recommend that you start to scale-back on your consumption of politics. It's high time to start ignoring this area of human interest, because it is not interesting at all. Politics lacks reality, it's rife with distortions and dishonesty. Politics is disingenuous and conniving, as are politicians.
Politician is what you call a person who is running for office, such as Biden or Harris. Then when they assume the office (usually by dishonest means), they get to be called Official or Officer, such as Trump or Pence. These government officers are the public members of a large group, known as the shadow government. Inside of this shadowy entity are persons whose names are known, they are concealed and would rather hide what they do.
The names of the public front of this shadow beast, are well known. That is the goal of the MSM news making it all too familiar. What that industry is propagating is fake news, which is all political. The fake news names include: Trump, Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton, Sanders, Pence, Bush, Reagan, Pompeo, Bolton, etc. etc. Who are they? Not important! Trump vs. Biden, Biden vs. Trump, whatever. Yet all these different names and different faces on dishonest persons, all amount to one unified beast. It is the shadow government.
There is also the utter nonsense, known as the political party/parties. In this USA corporation, there are two major parties which are controlling the show. Those two are the Democrat (democratic) party and the Republican party. May as well call it the Demoblicans or Republicrats, they are unified and work for the same goal. Their common enemy is the "people" or the citizenry. The reason to have two major parties is to conjure the illusion of multiple choices. There happen to be some other parties, beyond the major two, but those are intentionally marginalized by the fake news. These are all called "third party", even though there are many of them and all cannot technically be counted as "third". LOL
Anyhow, I don't want to waste more time on this, as I do not want you to waste any more time on other mainstream writings about this stuff. beware, it is wasting your life energy - and please do not do that! There are so many more important things than politics and these Trumps, Bidens, Pences, Harrises, Clintons, Bushs, Sanders, etc.
I'll wrap up my brief rant with a snippet from caitlinJohnstone who also understands most of what I revealed:
Think tanks are institutions which pay academics to think up reasons why it would be smart and good to do something evil and stupid, then insert those reasons into key points of influence. MSM cites them as authorities on foreign policy because MSM is propaganda.
If I had a dollar for every libertarian man on the internet who paternalistically told me he’s “disappointed” in me over something I wrote, I’d be rich enough to think libertarianism is a great ideology.
Mainstream feminism neglects the injustices of motherhood to a truly embarrassing extent. It’s become a movement to ensure that women have as much of a right as men to facilitate all the sickest aspects of patriarchy, while mothers everywhere are constantly forced to choose between economic hardship and staying with awful partners as they’re smashed with medieval judgemental attitudes about their parenting decisions.
The official function of outlets like Voice of America and Radio Free Asia is to administer US propaganda. Their unofficial function is to promote the idea that they are the only outlets which administer US propaganda.
Gotta respect the manipulation skills of whatever rich person it was who came up with the idea of blaming 100 percent of the world’s problems on pedophile rings.
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